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UPDATE .. LIMIT 1 with SqlAlchemy and PostgreSQL

With SqlAlchemy, is it possible to build a query which will update only the first matching row?

In my case, I need to update the most recent log entry:

class Log(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'logs'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    analyzed = Column(Boolean)

session.query(Log)  \
    .order_by(  \
    .limit(1)  \
    .update({ 'analyzed': True })

Which results into:

InvalidRequestError: Can't call Query.update() when limit() has been called

It makes sense, since UPDATE ... LIMIT 1 is a MySQL-only feature (with the solution given here)

But how would I do the same with PostgreSQL? Possibly, using the subquery approach?


  • The subquery recipe is the right way to do it, now we only need to build this query with SqlAlchemy.

    Let's start with the subquery:

    sq = ssn.query(  \
        .order_by(  \
        .limit(1)  \

    And now use it with as_scalar() with the example from the update() docs:

    from sqlalchemy import update
    q = update(Log)  \
        .values({'analyzed': True})  \
        .where( == sq.as_scalar())

    Print the query to have a look at the result:

    UPDATE logs 
    SET analyzed=:analyzed 
    WHERE = (
        FROM logs ORDER BY DESC 
        LIMIT :param_1 
        FOR UPDATE
