With SqlAlchemy, is it possible to build a query which will update only the first matching row?
In my case, I need to update the most recent log entry:
class Log(Base):
__tablename__ = 'logs'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
analyzed = Column(Boolean)
session.query(Log) \
.order_by(Log.id.desc()) \
.limit(1) \
.update({ 'analyzed': True })
Which results into:
InvalidRequestError: Can't call Query.update() when limit() has been called
It makes sense, since UPDATE ... LIMIT 1
is a MySQL-only feature (with the solution given here)
But how would I do the same with PostgreSQL? Possibly, using the subquery approach?
The subquery recipe is the right way to do it, now we only need to build this query with SqlAlchemy.
Let's start with the subquery:
sq = ssn.query(Log.id) \
.order_by(Log.id.desc()) \
.limit(1) \
And now use it with as_scalar() with the example from the update() docs:
from sqlalchemy import update
q = update(Log) \
.values({'analyzed': True}) \
.where(Log.id == sq.as_scalar())
Print the query to have a look at the result:
SET analyzed=:analyzed
WHERE logs.id = (
SELECT logs.id
FROM logs ORDER BY logs.id DESC
LIMIT :param_1