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Add (second) x axis to scatterplot to display group information

I make a scatterplot using d3.js where the points are arranged by their name and an accompanying number. The data that is plotted would look like this:

name,   group, number
"AB",   "A",   0.5
"ABC",  "A",   10.0
"BC",   "B",   3.0
"BCD",  "B",   5.0
"BCDE", "B",   0.3
"CD",   "C",   1.6
"DE",   "D",   1.5

What I want to achieve.

What I want to achieve is a plot where the points are scattered on the x axis according to their name, but the x axis should display the group once per group and a tick between different groups.

The result should look like this: enter image description here

What I have so far.

I do have a y and an x axis, the ticks and labels are not shown. In principle, the axes are created using the code below (example for the x axis):

var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
    .rangeBands([0, 400]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
    .tickValues(0) // hide ticks
    .tickFormat(""); // hide labels

The domain is derived from the name column:

x.domain( { return; })); 

And appended to to actual svg:

    .attr("class", "x axis")
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + 400 + ")")

This code results in the following plot: plot with empty axes

What I tried.

I tried with adding a second x axis by simply repeating the steps that were used to create the first x axis described above. I just renamed x to x2, made ticks and labels visible, and derived the domain not from but from The complete code is here. Naturally, this distributes the labels and ticks along the whole x axis and does not incorporate the group information. plot with labels from group


How can I scatter the labels and ticks of the x axis according to the group column from the data?


  • Naive approach

    One simplistic, but perhaps not desired way of handling this would be by using tickFormat to simply repeat the group value for each ordinal value on the scale:

    var lkUp = {};
    chartData.forEach(function(d) { lkUp[] = {group:}; });
    xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) { return lkUp[d].group; });

    Naive grouping

    Working example:

    Drawing from scratch

    If you move outside of trying to use D3's axis component, you can draw these groups separately, i.e.:

    //'chartGroups' is an array of calculated groups, with start and end coordinates
    var chartGroups = svg.selectAll("g.chartGroup").data(chartGroups)

    Drawing from Scratch

    Working example: