What is the difference between damping
and frequency
properties of a SKPhysicsJointSpring
the code I have is
var spring = SKPhysicsJointSpring.jointWithBodyA(
bodyB: body2.physicsBody,
anchorA: body1.position,
anchorB: body2.position)
spring.frequency = 1.8
spring.damping = 0.5
body1.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
body2.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
In what range of values should frequency
and damping
fall so that the spring
acts naturally?
Answer depends on what you consider "natural".
Damping means that the spring will dissipate energy with each oscillation and eventually come to rest.
Zero damping means that the mass attached to the spring will oscillate forever.
Such a system usually has three constants associated with it:
It's well known that frequency f^2 = k/m.
When that system talks about spring "frequency" it makes no sense to me.