I'm trying to denormalize a result set so that I have one record per ID. This is a list of patients with multiple comorbidities. The data currently looks like this:
ID Disease
1 Asthma
1 Cancer
1 Anemia
2 Asthma
And I need it to look like this:
ID Disease1 Disease2 Disease3
1 Asthma Cancer Anemia
2 Asthma HBP <NULL or Blank>
I researched Pivot, but all of the examples I saw used aggregate functions which wouldn't apply. I have added the row_number function and tried self joins like the following:
case when rownum = 1 then Disease else NULL end Disease1,
case when rownum = 2 then Disease else NULL end Disease2,
case when rownum = 3 then Disease else NULL end Disease3
However, this produces the following:
ID Disease1 Disease2 Disease3
1 Asthma NULL NULL
1 NULL Cancer NULL
1 NULL NULL Anemia
2 Asthma NULL NULL
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I would really like to find a way to accomplish this without having a monstrous block of code (which is what I ended up with when trying to do it). Thanks!
You can use MAX to compact the rows:
max(case when rownum = 1 then Disease end) Disease1,
max(case when rownum = 2 then Disease end) Disease2,
max(case when rownum = 3 then Disease end) Disease3
from (
rownum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by id order by id)
from your_table
) sub
group by id