I want to do remotely debug my visual-cpp app with VMWare Virtual Debugger
from a Windows 7 x64
host in a Windows Vista Ultimate x64
guest. I have the same Visual Studio 2010
installed on both host and guest. I followed directions from here, setting the following in the host VS VMWare options:
on hostVMDebug
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\...\bin\DebugWin32\MyApp.exe
The problem is that when I start the remote debugging, I get:
Debugging started...
Starting the virtual machine.
An error has occurred in the application. For more information please see the log file. Its path is listed in the About box.
VMware: Failed to power on the virtual machine. Unknown error.
This action terminated prematurely or was canceled by user.
An error has occurred in the application. For more information please see the log file. Its path is listed in the About box.
I looked into the log file ActivityLog.xml
, but I can only see Information
records, and the only one in reference to VMWare is
303 2014/09/11 09:10:37.424 Information VisualStudio Unloading AddIn and calling OnDisConnection: VMDebugger.Connect
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong to debug remotely?
I got past this problem using no authentication on the remote debugger from the guest. In addition to the steps shown in the tutorial, I replicated the solution path I had on the host in the guest for the application.