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installing cx_Freeze to python at windows

I am using python 3.4 at win-8. I want to obtain .exe program from python code. I learned that it can be done by cx_Freeze.

In MS-DOS command line, I wrote pip install cx_Freeze to set up cx_Freeze. It is installed but it is not working.

(When I wrote cxfreeze to command line, I get this warning:C:\Users\USER>cxfreeze 'cxfreeze' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.)

(I also added location of cxfreeze to "PATH" by environment variables)

Any help would be appriciated thanks.


  • I faced a similar problem (Python 3.4 32-bit, on Windows 7 64-bit). After installation of cx_freeze, three files appeared in c:\Python34\Scripts\:

    • cxfreeze
    • cxfreeze-postinstall
    • cxfreeze-quickstart

    These files have no file extensions, but appear to be Python scripts. When you run python.exe cxfreeze-postinstall from the command prompt, two batch files are being created in the Python scripts directory:

    • cxfreeze.bat
    • cxfreeze-quickstart.bat

    From that moment on, you should be able to run cx_freeze.

    cx_freeze was installed using the provided win32 installer (cx_Freeze-4.3.3.win32-py3.4.exe). Installing it using pip gave exactly the same result.