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How to output a chunk or message if getPage is empty in MODX Revo 2.x

I have this construction:

&pageFirstTpl=`<li class="control"><a[[+classes]][[+title]] href="[[+href]]">First</a></li>` 
&pageLastTpl=`<li class="control"><a[[+classes]][[+title]] href="[[+href]]">Last</a></li>

How can I output a message or chunk if there are no results returned by getPage call?


  • There is an easier way to do it, just use modx input/output filters -

    [[!getPage:empty=`<div>[[$your_chunk]] or your message</div>`? 
        &pageFirstTpl=`<li class="control"><a[[+classes]][[+title]] href="[[+href]]">First</a></li>` 
        &pageLastTpl=`<li class="control"><a[[+classes]][[+title]] href="[[+href]]">Last</a></li>