Very mysterious issue here.
I have mdf-file in project with single table (double-clicking will show this):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table] (
[Version] NCHAR (20) NULL,
Then I add dbml (Linq-to-SQL), drag table there, add some code
partial class TestDataContext
public static string DatabaseFile { get; private set; }
public static string ConnectionString { get; private set; }
static TestDataContext()
DatabaseFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Test.mdf");
ConnectionString = string.Format(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename={0};Integrated Security=True", DatabaseFile);
public TestDataContext Attach()
var context = new TestDataContext(ConnectionString);
// re-create database
if (!context.DatabaseExists() && !File.Exists(DatabaseFile))
return context;
public static void Detach()
using (var master = new DataContext(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True"))
master.ExecuteCommand(string.Format(@"ALTER DATABASE [{0}] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE", DatabaseFile));
master.ExecuteCommand(string.Format(@"exec sp_detach_db '{0}'", DatabaseFile));
catch { } // should be safe
public void Test()
var row = new Table() { Id = DateTime.Now, Version = "test1.0" };
row = new Table() { Id = DateTime.Now, Version = "test1.1" };
It's all needed to detach database and to re-create database if file is deleted (maybe it's related to issue, see further). That new database is created near exe-file (don't mix it with one in project, used only to define structure and generate dmbl).
Now the problem: when I run application from within VS (F5), then this table is always blank. Even before calling Attach()
its content from previous run is erased ! It looks like if VS opens new mdf-file, find my table there (lol) and clears it!
Most confusing part: if compiled exe-file is running directly, then content persist between launches (as intended). As soon as I hit F5 in VS .. it become empty again.
Any idea?
I open that new mdf-file in VS "Database Explorer", to be able to see what is going on. Application adds some rows by calling Test()
and I see that in application and in explorer. Then application exits. Data still. Yes, I click refresh button, it is still. Then I hit F5 and before pressing button which call Attach()
switch to explorer and hit refresh there.. table is empty.
Is the MDF file in your solution? Check the file properties for the 'Copy to Output Directory'. It should be on "Do not copy"