I updated to iOS 8 yesterday and I can not install a testflight build.
It displays the dialog "do you want to install..." I tap yes, and nothing happens. I've heard that that the browser no longer closes, but the application just never shows up with no errors.
I've unregistered, registered, even signed up for testflight under a new account. Nothin'. Others are able to install on iOS 8. And up until my upgrading, it was working fine on iOS 7.
(This is all through the browser still, not the new testflight application, btw)
Any ideas? Thank you!
We just solved the issue by reset the phone to factory settings. Just be sure to enabled iCloud backup before to restore the device.
All tricks and checks by searching for a code signing issue, profile problem or test flight bug was without success.
The weird thing about the problem was, that it occurred only on one device. 5 other test devices could install the test flight build after the iOS8 update.