I was writing an expect-script which communicate with a server via telnet, but right now i need to evaluate the reply from server.
EXPECT script:
spawn telnet ip port
expect "HUH?"
send "login testuser pass\r"
expect "good"
send "select 1\r"
expect "good"
send "me\r"
expect "nick=testuser id=ID group=testgroup login=testuser"
send "edit id=ID group=3\r"
expect "good"
send "quit\r"
If i send the command "me" i get a reply from the server which i need to evaluate. The reply from server looks like this example... "nick=NICK id=ID group=GROUP login=LOGIN".
How do i extract the id of the reply and use it in a send-command?
I hope you could help me with that. Thanks a lot!
You can try this way too.
set user_id {}
expect -re {nick=(.*)\s+id=(.*)\s+group=(.*)\s+login=(.*)\n} {
#Each submatch will be saved in the the expect_out buffer with the index of 'n,string' for the 'n'th submatch string
puts "You have entered : $expect_out(0,string)"; #expect_out(0,string) will have the whole expect match string including the newline
puts "Nick : $expect_out(1,string)"
puts "ID : $expect_out(2,string)"
puts "Group : $expect_out(3,string)"
puts "Login : $expect_out(4,string)"
set user_id $expect_out(2,string)
send "This is $user_id, reporting Sir! ;)"
#Your further 'expect' statements goes below.
You can customize the regexp
as per your wish and note the use of braces {}
with -re
flag in the expect
If you are using braces, Tcl
won't do any variable substitution and if you need to use variable in the expect
then you should use double quotes and correspondingly you need to escape the backslashes and wildcard operators.