I am working on a project related to NLP, in which I would like to identify main verb (I can do that with a dependency parser) from a sentence and then convert the verb to its noun form (or we can say noun derived from verb), for example define to definition
or sensitive to sensitivity
whenever possible. Are there any resources similar to wordnet or verbnet that provides this?
You can start exploring the following resources:
The Excel file contains entries like:
define%2:42:03:: 202736778 result definition%1:07:00:: 104702957 show the form or outline of; "The tree w... clarity of outline; "exercise had given ...
A Categorial-Variation Database (or Catvar) is a database of clusters of uninflected words (lexemes) and their categorial (i.e. part-of-speech) variants. For example, the words hunger(V), hunger(N), hungry(AJ) and hungriness(N) are different English variants of some underlying concept describing the state of being hungry. Another example is the developing cluster:(develop(V), developer(N), developed(AJ), developing(N), developing(AJ), development(N)).