Search code examples

unpivot row values into multiple columns

I have the following with the following structure:!6/0e72e/8

Day date,
ProductName nVARCHAR(10),
Location nVARCHAR(10),
RegPrice1 float,
SalePrice1 float,
SalePrice2 float

INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'xbox', 'NewYork',30,20,10)
INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'xbox', 'London', 100,80,60)
INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'xbox', 'Singapore', 70,50,30)
INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'watch1','NewYork', 500,400,300)
INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'watch1','London', 1000,800,600) 
INSERT INTO Prices VALUES ('6/24/2014', 'watch1','Singapore', 999,888,777) 

I want to unpivot this table so it looks like:

Day           Pr_Name PriceType   NewYork London  Singapore
2014-06-24    xbox    RegPrice1   30      100     70
2014-06-24    xbox    SalePrice1  20      80      50
2014-06-24    xbox    SalePrice2  10      60      30
2014-06-24    watch1  RegPrice1   500     1000    999
2014-06-24    watch1  SalePrice1  400     800     888
2014-06-24    watch1  SalePrice1  300     600     777

I was able to unpivot one layer to get the NewYork column but I haven't been able to get the London and Singapore columns in place. I have tinkered with the code below to add London and Singapore but have not been successful. Do I simply keep unpivoting?

select Day, ProductName, PriceType, NewYork
from (select * from Prices ) as t
  NewYork for PriceType in (RegPrice1, SalePrice1, SalePrice2)

) As unpvt


  • we can use CROSS APPLY to unpivot the prices and then apply PIVOT

      ( select Day, ProductName, Location, col,  value
        from Prices
        cross apply
            select 'RegPrice1' , Prices.RegPrice1 union all
            select 'SalePrice1', Prices.SalePrice1 union all
            select 'SalePrice2', Prices.SalePrice2
        ) c (col, value)
      ) PD
      ( max(value) for Location in ([NewYork],[London],[Singapore])