I need to be able to access message tracking from Exchange 2010. I would prefer to do this with some sort of api but from the research that I've done I can seem to find anything that hints to the possibility to do this through EWS. The end goal is to count the number of emails sent by account and store the numbers into a seperate business application.
Edit: After looking at the EWS wsdl it looks like there is a FindMessageTrackingReport and GetMessageTrackingReport call. These are not found in EWS Managed API. I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for but I won't know until I get the results back from the API. Is there a way that I can still call this with just a normal web service? Any examples?
I was able to finally find a solution. It wasn't through EWS but rather a combination of C#, Powershell, and Exchange Management Shell. Here is a link to the EWS Message Tracking Report solution