I have a service where I list Twitter accounts and have a switch to enable/disable a Streaming API connection for them.
Currently I'm planning to have this flow:
I would like to launch a Phirehose process directly to run in the background when a user wants a Twitter account to be enabled for Streaming. Also I would like to kill the process directly if a user wants to stop Streaming for that account.
There are several risks and concerns with executing the Phirehose process and especially killing it in an automated way.
Any tips on the best way to implement this with maximal automation and minimal admin interference?
I have done similar things with a two step process: part one is to create a web interface that provides start / stop commands. The web interface writes a file to the server. one for start, one for stop. start.lock, stop.lock.
the second part is a bash script that looks for the presence of these files. Below is an example of the start.sh script that would check to start the service. It creates a a "running.lock" file to know not to try to start a running service. You cazn also use the files for reporting purposes.
stop.sh and start.sh are cron scheduled to run frequently. For my purpose, they run every minute and the loop in the script is used to check more frequently. ie, each minute run and check 5 times once every ten seconds.
I think with this you can modify to your specific needs. Hope it helps.
for ((c=1; c<=5; c++))
if [ -f "$file" ]
if [ ! -f "$sfile" ]
<command goes here>
touch running.lock
rm start.lock
sleep 10
and to stop it:
for (( c=1; c<=11; c++ ))
if [ -f "$file" ]
killall -9 <your service>
rm running.lock
rm start.lock
rm stop.lock
sleep 5