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Render file from controller

I'm working on a grails application and struggling with rendering text to a file. Currently I can render the text to the screen with the function below which sits in the controller:

    def generateTemplateSQL(Template templateInstance){

    def result = templatingService.buildTemplateSql(templateInstance)
    render result

Now I want to be able to print the same text to a file and this is what I have below. However the button on the front end that I've created for this function causes a 404 error once pressed. I'm guessing I've got something out of place. Any ideas?

    def writeTemplateSQLToFile(Template templateInstance){

    def result = templatingService.buildTemplateSql(templateInstance)
    render (file: new File(result), fileName: "TemplateSQL.met", contentType: "text/met")


  • Try this:

    def writeTemplateSQLToFile(Template templateInstance){
        def result = templatingService.buildTemplateSql(templateInstance)
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=TemplateSQL.met")
        response.contentType = 'text/met'
        response.outputStream << result