So, I'm attempting to use C++ and Windows Forms to create an application that will help me study Japanese (for now, Hiragana and possibly Katakana only). The aim is to be able to create a program that has the user select the character sets they want to use (A through O, KA through KO, etc.), and either view the cards freely or have the program test them over the characters. For debugging purposes, I currently have the View button set to output 5 values to 5 different text boxes - the Roman pronunciation, the corresponding character, its position in an array in which all of the characters are stored, and a Boolean value.
My problem lies in the fact that the characters all show up as "?", and I get multiple warnings when I compile. An example of this warning:
1>c:\users\cameron\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\japanesecards\japanesecards\Form1.h(218): warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\u3093' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252)
This shows up 46 times, 1 for each Japanese character in the array. The array's declaration line is,
std::string hiraList[5][11][2];
An example of inserting a Romanji-Hiragana pair is,
hiraCheck[0][0][0] = "A";
hiraCheck[0][0][1] = "あ";
Finally, the Hiragana is being inserted into a text box using the following code:
System::String^ displayText = gcnew String(hiraList[x][y][1].c_str());
textBox5 -> Text = displayText;
Basically, given all of this, my question is - How can I get my form to display Japanese characters properly in a text box?
Okay! I've done a bit of tweaking and experimenting with wchar_t, and I've found out a solution.
First, I reduced the hiraList array to a two-dimensional array, and moved the Hiragana characters into their own, array, defined like so:
wchar_t hiraChar[5][11];
And added values like so:
hiraChar[0][0] = L'あ';
Then, I went down to the code for the 'View' button and made a few changes:
Deleted the method for declaring and filling the displayText variable
Updated the line of code which assigns textBox5 its text value to read from hiraChar[x][y]
A line of the new code has been pasted below:
textBox5 -> Text = hiraChar[x][y].ToString();
In essence, the program now creates three variables for Hiragana - One to monitor check boxes, one to store the romanji values, and one to store Hiragana characters. When at least one check box is selected, and the View button pressed, five things are outputted to text boxes - the character, its position in the array (x and y are separate boxes), its romanji equivalent, and a 'True' value which was used earlier in development for debugging purposes.