I would like to create a zabbix trigger with the available memory and total memory for a particular host. How is this possible with one trigger.My requirement is to have both available memory and the total memory listed in the action mail.
For example, you can use a trigger like this to check that available memory is less than 10% of the total:
{Template OS Linux:vm.memory.size[available].max(#3)} <
0.1 * {Template OS Linux:vm.memory.size[total].last()}
In the action email, you can then reference item names, keys, and values like so:
Item values:
In the example above, {ITEM.KEY1}
refers to vm.memory.size[available]
and {ITEM.KEY2}
refers to vm.memory.size[total]
. Similarly for other macros. {ITEM.KEY3}
will expand to *UNKNOWN*
, because there is no third item in the trigger expression.
Such an email format comes with Zabbix 2.2 and Zabbix 2.4 by default.