Using Django Nose. I have tests for my URL's but coverage is still giving me 0% for URLs, why?
python test profiles
This is my coverage:
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
profiles 0 0 100%
profiles.migrations 0 0 100%
profiles.migrations.0001_initial 6 0 100%
profiles.models 0 0 100%
profiles.urls 4 4 0% 1-9
TOTAL 10 4 60%
This is one of my URL test...
import as noz
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, reverse
class URLsTest(TestCase):
def test_user_list(self):
url = reverse('api_user_list', args=[])
noz.assert_equal(url, '/api/user/')
Usually this has to do with being started too late in the process. The simplest way to ensure it starts early enough is to run the test runner under coverage:
$ coverage run ....
One relevant detail of it contains only code that executes when it is imported. So the entire file is executed when Django starts up and imports This is different than most files, which define classes or functions whose bodies are executed later.