My report looks like:
Report B566 company name .................................... Page 1
Name address pin
John ny 1111
Dave ma 1112
.... .... ....
.... .... ....
.... .... ....
Report B566 company name .................................... Page 2
Name address pin
Barry CA 5111
This way i have around 100 pages, i want to get rid of repetitive headers. i need a command in such way that if "Report B566" is found in the file all of them along with the next 6 lines should be removed and the outfile should contain only the data.
I'm working on HP-UNIX box. (ksh)
Thanks for your help.
You can set a counter and print based on when the counter is true.
$ awk '/Report/{c=6}!(c&&--c)' file
John ny 1111
Dave ma 1112
.... .... ....
.... .... ....
.... .... ....
Barry CA 5111