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Last y-axis label not displaying on highcharts spiderweb

I have spiderweb highchart with dynamically calculated x/y values and all labels of y-axis are displayed correctly except the last one. Did anyone have same problem?

function GenerateSpiderWebChart(conteinerId,categories,values, color) {


        chart: {
            polar: true,
            type: 'line',
            margin: 0

        colors: [

        exporting: {
            enabled: false,
            buttons: {
                enabled: false

        title: {
            text: '&nbsp',
            x: -80,
            useHTML: true

        pane: {
            size: '70%'

        xAxis: {
            categories: categories,
            tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
            lineWidth: 0,
            labels: {
                align: 'center',
                distance: 43

        yAxis: {
            gridLineInterpolation: 'polygon',
            lineWidth: 0,
            min: 0,
            endOnTick: true

        tooltip: {
            shared: true,
            headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 12px">{point.key}:</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>{point.y:,.2f}</b>',
            pointFormat: '',
            useHTML: true

        legend: {
        enabled: false,
        align: 'right',
        verticalAlign: 'top',
        y: 70,
        layout: 'vertical'

        series: [{
            name: '',
            data: values,
            pointPlacement: 'on'



  • Set yAxis.showLastLabel to true. API says "Defaults to true." but it is not true in this case. Example:

    showLastLabel: true