I have an array from the backend that contains an array of objects that are options for a select box, let's say for countryselection:
$scope.countries = [
{ name: 'foo', code: 'ba' },
{ name: 'bar', code: 'br' },
{ name: 'biz', code: 'bb' }
This array is raw and reusable, and may update at any time through different functions that may change this array.
However, I want the selectbox to be prepended with a different option that is initially selected and implementation specific (so will not add this to the countries array to not pollute it for other consumers of the values):
$scope.defaultCountry = [
{ name: 'Select a country', code: '' }
Then I want this to work:
<select name="countryCode" model="model.country"
ng-options="option.code as option.name for option in defaultCountry + countries">
where the defaultCountry + countries
would be a concat of the 2 arrays. However, this concat does not work.
I know I can call a function to return the concatenated value, but if not required I would rather not:
$scope.getCountries = function () {
return $scope.defaultCountry.concat($scope.countries);
<select name="countryCode" model="model.country"
ng-options="option.code as option.name for option in getCountries()">
Is there an out of the box solution to be able to use both 2 arrays at once for ng-options?
Use concat in ng-options
<select name="countryCode" ng-model="model.country"
ng-options="option.code as option.name for option in defaultCountry.concat(countries)">