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Wikipedia api fulltext search to return articles with title, snippet and image

I've been looking for a way to query the wikipedia api based on a search string for a list of articles with the following properties:

  • Title
  • Snippet/Description
  • One or more images related to the article.

I also have to make the query using jsonp.

I've tried using the list=search parameter

But it seems to ignore the prop=images, I've also tried variations using the prop=imageinfo and prop=pageimages. But they all give me the same result as just using the list=search.

I've also tried action=opensearch

Which gives me exactly what I want when i set format=xml, but returns a simple array of page titles when using format=json and therefore fails because of the jsonp requirement.

Is there another approach to doing this? I'd really like to solve this in a single request rather than make the first search request and then a second request for the images using titles=x|y|z


  • As Bergi suggested, using generators is the way to go here. Specifically what I would do:

    The whole query could look like this:|extracts&pilimit=max&exintro&explaintext&exsentences=1&exlimit=max