remitclient2 = Replace(remitclient2 ,"class=" Chr(34) & ls & chr(34) ">", "^")
i want to replace class="ls">
with ^
In classic asp I tried escape sequence too and in above I used chr(34)
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee' Expected ')' /US_Offer_2014/lasttry.asp, line 35 remitclient2 = Replace(remitclient2 ,"class=" Chr(34) & ls & chr(34) ">", "^")
remitclient2 = Replace(remitclient2 ,"class=""ls"">", "^")
You can do this quickly and easily by doubling up your quotes in the string. If you need quotes at the start or end of the string just remember to include the outer quote also, like so:
"abc""def" - quote in the middle
"""abcdef" - quote at the beginning
"abcdef""" - quote at the end