I'm new bee to Titanium,
I want to set the UILabel.left based on the previous UILabel.right and I'm using index.js to execute this functionality
Here is the code:
$.password_label.right=$.login_button.center;// This works fine
$.register_label.left=$.password_label.right;// Issue in this line
Image in which it overlaps, though my aim is to make it side by side.
Thanks in advance
First of all in Titanium framework, Button.center is a point (Object : {x,y}) ...
you should use layout : horizontal to achieve this :
//In your xml file :
<View class='labeslcontainer'>
<Label id="labelPassword"/>
<Label id="labelRegister"/>
and the in your tss file :
text:'your text |',
text: 'your text',
left : 7
and so on. Using left in horizontal container will position your labels side by side.