I am trying to build an application on android using pocketsphinx. I've downloaded the package on sourceforge, but the instructions http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/tutorialpocketsphinx#windows doesn't work. Is there additional software needed to compile the demo?
To build an application on android using pocketsphinx you need to follow Android tutorial
There is no need to compile any additional packages, you just checkout the demo, import it into Android Studio and run.
You should not look on tutorialpocketsphinx at all, it's for desktop version.
You don't need Cygwin
To unzip tar.gz you can use Winrar or you can download zip archive here: http://github.com/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx-android-demo
Information on https://sites.google.com/site/opiatefuchs/home/pocketsphinxandroiddemo is seriously outdated. You should NOT use it.