Working on project for class having some issues during the crossover (I understand the issues I'll face later in the assignment, but it's how the professor asked) my chromosome 1 and 2 are reporting as the same thing.
randomNum = rand.nextInt(3);
Chromosome chromosome2 = topTen.remove(randomNum);
System.out.print(chromosome2 + "\n");
index = generation.indexOf(chromosome2);
here is the rest of the code
public Chromosome tsp(int population, int num_generations) {
//Random Seed
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNum;
//Generate inital population
ArrayList<Chromosome> generation = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
for (int i = 0; i < population; i++) {
//Clone original
ArrayList<Vertex> genes = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
for (Vertex v: vertex_list) {
genes.add(new Vertex(v.toString()));
//Mix genes
for (int j = genes.size() - 1; j > 1; j--) {
randomNum = rand.nextInt(j) + 1;
Vertex removed = genes.remove(randomNum);
genes.add(genes.get(0)); //Add start gene to end
int score = checkScore(genes); //Check distance
Chromosome chromosome = new Chromosome(genes, score); //Create chromosome
generation.add(chromosome); //Add chromosome to generation list
//Generation Loop
for (int i = 0; i < num_generations; i++) {
ArrayList<Chromosome> newGen = new ArrayList<Chromosome>(); //Holds new generation
Collections.sort(generation); //Sort generation
//Keep top 10 from previous generation
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
Chromosome best = generation.remove(j);
//Crossover the rest of the generation
while(!generation.isEmpty()) {
//Pick Ten Randomly
ArrayList<Chromosome> topTen = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
randomNum = rand.nextInt(generation.size());
//Sort Those 10
//Get first chromosome
randomNum = rand.nextInt(4);
Chromosome chromosome1 = topTen.remove(randomNum);
System.out.print(chromosome1 + "\n");
int index = generation.indexOf(chromosome1);
generation.remove(index); //remove extra
//Get second chromosome
randomNum = rand.nextInt(3);
Chromosome chromosome2 = topTen.remove(randomNum);
System.out.print(chromosome2 + "\n");
index = generation.indexOf(chromosome2);
generation.remove(index); //remove extra
return generation.get(0);
Chromosome class constructor
public Chromosome(ArrayList<Vertex> genes, int score) {
this.genes = genes;
this.score = score;
Found my problem. Was adding duplicate chromosomes during the random generation of 10 chromosomes. Just need to make them unique.