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Persisted Records in Rails

I have to make a functionality for an "Item" Model. The initial requreiment requirement is : - The Item should be persisted and reference the user that submitted them. What exactly means that it should be persisted? Do I have to use the persisted?(Returns true if the record is persisted, i.e. it’s not a new record and it was not destroyed, otherwise returns false.) function ?

Maybe this is too obvious but I have to be sure.


  • I wish I had "Ruby/Rails" classes when I was at school..

    Yes. You have to define that Item belongs_to User, so that each item will have user_id (you'll gave to add this column to users table).

    Persisted means saved. You can check it as you've mentioned.

    You can also go with method in Item class:

    def persisted
      map{ |i| i if i.persisted? }

    or with scope:

    scope :persisted, -> { where.not(id: nil) }