I would like to create variables containing lagged values of a given variable for a large number of lags. How could I do this? I try the following:
data out;
set in;
do i = 1 to 50;
%let j = i;
lag_&j = Lag&j.(x);
How can I get the loop variable i
into the macro variable j
or how to use it directly to create the appropriately named variable and for the Lag function?
Chris J answers the question, but here i'll provide my preferred way of doing this.
%macro lagvar(var=,num=);
%do _iter = 1 %to &num.;
lag_&_iter. = lag&_iter.(&var.);
%mend lagvar;
data out;
set in;
%lagvar(var=x,num=50); *semicolon optional here;
This is a more modular usage of the macro loop (and more readable, assuming you use intelligent names - the above is okay, you could do even more with the name if you wanted to be very clear, and of course add comments).