Fiddle -
I'm trying to add custom html tags into CodeMirror and focus the cursor into the center of these tags.
Here's an example of how it'd be done for a textarea.
// Mirror Codemirror Code to Textarea
$(".code").val( editor.getValue() ).on('keyup change', function() {
editor.setValue( $(this).val() );
// Add center code
$(".bold").click(function() {
// For a regular textarea & center cursor
var start = $('.code').get(0).selectionStart;
$('.code').val($('.code').val().substring(0, start) + "<strong></strong>" + $('.code').val().substring($('.code').get(0).selectionEnd));
$('.code').get(0).selectionStart = $('.code').get(0).selectionEnd = start + 8;
return false;
The lines and locations will always be different so I have to grab it's location first before I add and move it aside the added characters as I did with the textarea demo.
However I don't want to use a blank textarea. I want to use Codemirror.
I can add the html tag without a problem, but getting the cursor location inside of the appended tag is where I'm having trouble.
editor.replaceRange("<strong></strong>", editor.getCursor());
Add the following code to move cursor to center of tag. Also I updated your code, Please use the below link for accessing it
$(".bold").click(function() {
// For codemirror & center cursor
editor.replaceRange("<strong></strong>", editor.getCursor());
var str="</strong>";
var mynum=str.length;
var start_cursor = editor.getCursor(); //I need to get the cursor position
console.log(start_cursor); //Cursor position
var cursorLine = start_cursor.line;
var cursorCh =;
//Code to move cursor back [x] amount of spaces. [x] is the data-val value.
editor.setCursor({line: cursorLine , ch : cursorCh -mynum });