So I have an app that I've written that's using sqlite (so has a db in the data folder) and about 12-50MBs worth of server and user generated content. I need to automatically back this up for the users in such a way that when they move devices/get new devices all their changes and content auto-magically come over with them. Now if it keeps all the current devices synced together that's bonus, but not a requirement.
What is the best way to do this?
I've looked at backup agent, but that seems to be only semi-supported on some devices and looks like if you were going to from say a verizon device to a say sprint device you would just lose everything (but I may be misunderstanding how it works).
I've also been looking at google drive through play services, but despite the docs making it sound like I could just get access to the appFolder and just move/store everything there, in practice I can't seem to find a simple way to do this. Do I really have to loop over every single file manually uploading it? I can do this if this is the best solution, but I thought before I put 12-15hours of work into it it would be best to ask here if that's my best solution.
Thanks for any input!
What's the simplest cloud backup solution that isn't network dependent and doesn't require anything more then a google account for the end user?
one of the best approach is to use Android Backup Service check from here