Hi everybody i just create an app on openshift and upload the war file geoserver, but when i try to acces to the url http://geolopsa-geoserver1.rhcloud.com/ it's returns ERROR 503 Service Unavaible, the first time i run it's works perfectly. Then i had to logout from openshift and the app don't work again.
I use this tutorial to upload the files https://www.openshift.com/blogs/build-your-own-google-maps-and-more-with-geoserver-on-openshift#comment-39747
But don't use the Steven git repo, i download geoserver 2.5.1 last stable version of the server and folow the steps he gives.
You should probably restart the application. If you're running on a free plan, the applications tend to go to 'sleep mode', or crash, without any signs in the openshift dashboard. Restarting geoserver takes 2 to 10 minutes, so be patient if you see the same error message after you've restarted.