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Perforce client mappings specific revision/changelist

Is there a way to set up a perforce workspace with client mappings to a specific revision of some elements?


//depot/...                 //localpath/...
//depot/external/...@117    //localpath/external/...

In that case the first line should map the whole depo to localpath, but the external subfolder should be mapped to revision 117 of the external depot folder.

I know that that syntax does not work, but is there a way to achieve this goal using only the client mappings?


  • No, it is not possible to map specific revisions (via label or date or other) of files.

    The way how you could solve this is, is to branch off //depot/external/...@117 into a separate path and then map that path:

    p4 integrate //depot/external/...@117    //depot/external_v117/... p4

    Then the clientview could be like:

    //depot/...                 //yourclient/...
    //depot/external_v117/...   //yourclient/external/...
    -//depot/external/...         //yourclient/external/...

    But as you might notice, the depot tree gets confusing very easily. So you should plan a structure like this in beforehand.