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How to skip broken revision in svnsync sync

What I'm trying to do:

I'm in the middle of mirroring our remote svn repo to my local Win7. Therefor I'm following some steps of this tutorial.

The problem:

Now the svnsync sync file:///c:/repository (same step as in the tutorial) is stuck at revision 25824 of about 84000.

Committed revision 25823.
Copied properties for revision 25823.
svnsync: E160006: No such revision 25824

It should be just this one and only broken revision in the middle of the repo.

The question:

Is it possible to skip that revision, fake it or even just copy it broken?

It took a while until this revision so please no solutions where i have to start over from the beginning. Also i can't make changes to the remote svn repo.

Other stackoverflow threads like How to skip initial revisions in svnsync sync (to fix broken repository) didn't help me in that case.


  • Alot time pased and now i solved my problem.

    I followed this tutorial:

    The first dump has to be without the --incremental and --delta option. Load it to a new SVN server.

    For the rest i wrote an VBS Skript.

    call dumpRevs(0, 80000)

    With dumpRevs i dump the old Repository to somewhere else (and log it). VBS started on old SVN Server.

    call loadDump(newRepoPath, 0, 80000) 

    With loadDump i load the dumped revs on to the new repo. Broken revisions get replaced with dummy commits. VBS started on new SVN Server

    At the end there can be missing files in the new repo. Therefor i match them against each other. To do this, i check both repos out and transfer the diff to the new repo and made a final commit (don't forget the make a dummy commit on the same revision on you old repo so new checkins can still be dumped and loaded).

    call updateRepos(https:\\oldSVNServer\oldRepo\projektA, projektA) 

    I used updateRepos to check out my repos (big repository..).

    My script should just be an idea of how to make that. Everything between [] must be set.

    Function dumpRevs(revStart, revEnd)
        Set oShell = CreateObject("")
        Dim rev, dumpCommand
        rev = revStart
        while rev <= revEnd
            dumpCommand = "cmd.exe /C svnadmin dump [old Repo Folder] -r " & rev & " --incremental --deltas > [dump Folder]" & rev
   dumpCommand, 1, True
            rev = rev + 1
    End Function
    Function loadDump(repoPath, revStart, revEnd)
        Set oShell = CreateObject("")
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim rev, dumpCommand, dumpFilesPath, logPath, dummyRev
        dummyRev = "cmd.exe /C svnmucc propset dummy_prop 0 -m ""increases revision"" [new Repo URL] --username admin --password admin"
        rev = revStart
        while rev <= revEnd
            dumpFilesPath = "[dumpFolder]" & rev
            logPath = "[logFolder]" & rev & ".log"
            loadCommand = "cmd.exe /C svnadmin load " & repoPath &" < " & dumpFilesPath & " > " & logPath & " 2>&1"
   loadCommand, 1, True
            If fileContains(logPath, "Committed revision "& rev & "") = false Then
       dummyRev, 1, True
            End If
            rev = rev + 1
    End Function
    Function updateRepos(repoPath, name)
        Set oShell = CreateObject("")
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim logPath, uptodate, upCommand, cleanCommand, nr  
        uptodate = false
        nr = 1
            logPath = "C:\Temp\up_" & name & nr & ".log"
            upCommand = "cmd.exe /C svn up --username admin --password admin --non-interactive " & repoPath & " > " & logPath & " 2>&1"
            cleanCommand = "cmd.exe /C svn cleanup --username admin --password admin --non-interactive " & repoPath & " > " & logPath & " 2>&1 & ECHO cleanup >>" &     logPath
   upCommand, 1, True
            If fileContains(logPath, "is already locked") =true Or fileIsEmpty(logPath) =true Then
       cleanCommand, 1, True
            ElseIf (fileContains(logPath, "Request Entity Too Large") = true) Or (fileContains(logPath, "out of memory") = true) Or (fileContains(logPath, "Caught signal") = true) Or (fileContains(logPath, "At revision") = true) Or (fileContains(logPath, "The XML response contains invalid XML") = true) Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            nr = nr + 1
        Loop While fileContains(logPath, "Updated to revision") <> true 
    End Function
    Function fileContains(filePath, str)
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim tempStr
        Set objInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath, 1, False)  
        Do until objInputFile.AtEndOfStream
            tmpStr = objInputFile.ReadLine
            If InStr(tmpStr, str) > 0 Then
                    fileContains = true
                Exit Function
            End If
        fileContains = false
    End Function
    Function fileIsEmpty(filePath)
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim size
        Set ofile = objFSO.getfile(filePath)
        size = ofile.size
        If size < 30 Then
            fileIsEmpty = true
            Exit Function
        End If
        fileIsEmpty = false
    End Function