I'm testing modal window of angular strap and something unwanted happens. In a large document while the modal is visible the browser scrollbar disappears. Then, when you close the modal, the browser scrollbar is displayed again and the document collapses a bit.
I was looking at the developer tools by an hour, but I can not find the cause.
It's annoying when the document collapses.
How I can prevent that scrollbar be invisible?
<button data-animation="am-fade-and-scale" bs-modal="modal">
Open Modal
var app = angular.module('Test', ['ngAnimate', 'mgcrea.ngStrap']);
$scope.modal = {
"title" : "ModalTitle",
"content" : "Modal content"
Chrome 36, Firefox 31, Opera 24 - Same results.
Safari 5.1.7 - Worst results, the overlayer still visible.
For modal the overflow is set to hidden.
You can set the overflow of body to auto to fix up the problem.
i.e <body ng-controller="ModalCtrl" style="overflow: auto">
Working Demo at http://plnkr.co/edit/DGb38NBp89Fl4Jhvvyx3?p=preview