The below code is not working for rollback when any exception occurs while insertion of records in database.I am using Spring 4 framework and annotation .
*/I am using below code for transaction management and it will not roll back for any exception./
@Transactional(rollbackFor = RuntimeException.class)
public boolean insertBatch(List<String> query) throws SQLException {
boolean flag= false;
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
String[] Sql= query.toArray(new String[query.size()]);
}catch(DataAccessException e )
MessageResource.setMessages("Constraints Violation ! CSV data value not matched with database constraints ");"CSV file Data not expected as database table structure defination like constraint violation/Data Type lenght/NUll etc for same data value" );
LOGGER.error( "Cause for error: "+ e.getRootCause().getMessage());
LOGGER.debug( "Details explain : "+ e.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("Roll back operation");
return flag;
Actually the answer provided by Sir, M.Deinum is below:
Spring uses proxies to apply AOP this will only work for methods called from the outside. Internal method calls don't pass through the proxy hence no transactions and depending on your queries you get one large or multiple smaller commits. Make sure that the outer method (the one called to initiate everything) is transactional. – M. Deinum 14 hours ago