I faced a problem.When I got the mapreduce output ,the result is {key :value} format.
For example the mapreduce output is:
key value
a [111,112,114]
b [111,122,134]
c [125]
so I want to change format like this:
a 111
a 112
a 114
b 111
b 122
b 134
c 125
so I want to change format using R.How to do that?
You could try:
l1 <- lapply(str_extract_all(dat$value, "[0-9]+"), as.numeric)
#l1 <- lapply(stri_extract_all_regex(dat$value, "[0-9]+"), as.numeric) #would be faster
data.frame(key=rep(dat$key,sapply(l1, length)), value=unlist(l1))
# key value
#1 a 111
#2 a 112
#3 a 114
#4 b 111
#5 b 122
#6 b 134
#7 c 125
cSplit(dat, "value", "[^0-9]", fixed=FALSE, direction="long")[value!="" ]
# key value
#1: a 111
#2: a 112
#3: a 114
#4: b 111
#5: b 122
#6: b 134
#7: c 125
dat <- structure(list(key = c("a", "b", "c"), value = c("[111,112,114]",
"[111,122,134]", "[125]")), .Names = c("key", "value"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,