giving the fact that a JavaScript array is specific type of an javascript object (an associative array), can't we just use ko.observable() instead of ko.observableArray()? especially if we are NOT interested in observing changes in an array properties like length...
As an exemple, in these tasklist-based knockout projects, we would just add a new task as following
in the object (an associative array). is it correct?
here a string example
@origineil thank you for you r proposition. yes this is exactly what i was looking for. This way I'll be able to access directly my "specific item" (as an associative array )
var SimpleListModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.items = ko.observable({});
self.itemToAdd = ko.observable("");
self.addedItems = ko.computed(function(){
return Object.keys(self.items())});
self.addItem = function () {
if (self.itemToAdd() != "") {
var addition = self.itemToAdd()
self.items()[addition] = addition
var model = new SimpleListModel()