Search code examples

How to know when SearchView in action bar is closed?

I have a problem: I have a listView in a Fragment, I implemented a searchView (actionView) to filter the list in the listView with the searchView onQueryTextChange event. I don't have problems in this part and everything works fine.

adapter = new ListaEmpleadosAdapter(getActivity(), empleadoItems, context);
SearchView searchView = (SearchView) menu.findItem(;

SearchView.OnQueryTextListener queryTextListener = new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
    public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String s) {
        return false;

    public boolean onQueryTextChange(String s) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("ERROR FragmentEmpleado -> " + e.toString());
        return true;

When I search something and press back button in the first time, the soft keyboard is closed. That's normal. When I press back button again, the searchView is closed, that's normal, but the list doesn't return to have the initial items.

How I can get the event when searchView is collapsed (because searchView.setOnCloseListener doesn't work) to restore the initial list items? Or any way to restore the initial list items deleting the adapter filter...


  1. The list of employees

list of employees

  1. The list of employees with a specific filter (after the first back button press, the keyboard is closed)

The list of employees with a specific filter

  1. The list of employees with searchView closed (but no restore the original list after second back button press)

list of employees with searchView closed

Thanks a lot!


  • There is a method on SearchView that gets fired when the search view collapses (onActionViewCollapsed) but there is no event for it. To get around it, I created my own class inheriting from SearchView and defining 2 events to capture collapsing and expanding. The class also provides methods to hook up your event handlers.

    public class MySearchView extends SearchView {
        OnSearchViewCollapsedEventListener mSearchViewCollapsedEventListener;
        OnSearchViewExpandedEventListener mOnSearchViewExpandedEventListener;
        public MySearchView(Context context) {
        public void onActionViewCollapsed() {
            if (mSearchViewCollapsedEventListener != null)
        public void onActionViewExpanded() {
            if (mOnSearchViewExpandedEventListener != null)
        public interface OnSearchViewCollapsedEventListener {
            public void onSearchViewCollapsed();
        public interface OnSearchViewExpandedEventListener {
            public void onSearchViewExpanded();
        public void setOnSearchViewCollapsedEventListener(OnSearchViewCollapsedEventListener eventListener) {
            mSearchViewCollapsedEventListener = eventListener;
        public void setOnSearchViewExpandedEventListener(OnSearchViewExpandedEventListener eventListener) {
            mOnSearchViewExpandedEventListener = eventListener;