How does sum-if work in Korma?
Here is the sample query
SELECT SUM(if(items.quantities > 1, 1, 0)) AS multiples FROM items;
I got this to work with raw-exec provided by Korma. But, I am interested in knowing how to write this in the Korma syntax.
I have tried looking at
is a vendor specific function, so I doubt it will be supported.
You might have better luck transforming your query into something vendor neutral and using that instead.
This query:
SELECT SUM(if(items.quantities > 1, 1, 0)) AS multiples FROM items;
is equivalent to the following one:
SELECT count(*) AS multiples FROM items WHERE quantities > 1;
which translates to the following korma expression:
(select items
(aggregate (count :*) :multiples)
(where {:quantities [> 1]}))