I have a Rails 4 application, and when I run Brakeman, it (rightly) identifies an unprotected redirect in my create action. However, adding only_path: true (as in the Brakeman Railscast) does not cure the warning:
def create
refer_url = params[:referrer]
@portfolio = current_user.portfolios.build(portfolio_params)
if @portfolio.save
redirect_to refer_url, notice: "Portfolio was successfully created.", only_path: true
render :new
Results in:
| Confidence | Class | Method | Warning Type | Message >>
| High | PortfoliosController | create | Redirect | Possible unprotected redirect near line 14: redirect_to(+params[:referrer]+, :notice => "Portfolio was successfully cr>>
Why might this be? What risk is Brakeman still identifying?
The RailsCast is incorrect, unfortunately. :only_path => true
must be part of the first argument.
Is params[:referrer]
supposed to be a path in your application?
If so, this would be my recommendation:
refer_url = URI.parse(params[:referrer]).path
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
refer_url = "some_default"
Or you could check that params[:referrer]
is always a path, validate it some other way, or just don't allow arbitrary redirects even within your application. Sadly, Rails does not give easy options for safe redirects.