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How to append to SQLite table in R with autogenerated fields

This is a similar problem to this question, but I do not want the missing columns filled in with NA, because the missing columns have meaningful default values including the primary key.

I am trying to append to a SQLite table from R where the table has some auto-generated fields, specifically the primary key, and two timestamp values. The first timestamp is the created date, and the second timestamp is a modified date.

Here is the table structure:

CREATE TABLE "level1" (
  "l1id" bigint(20)  NOT NULL ,
  "l0id" bigint(20)  DEFAULT NULL,
  "acid" bigint(20)  DEFAULT NULL,
  "cndx" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "repi" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "created_date" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  "modified_date" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  "modified_by" varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("l1id")

When I have tried doing the exact same thing using MySQL, dbWriteTable automatically handles the default values for missing columns, and populates the primary key and created_date properly (AND it matches the order of the columns automatically).

How can I achieve the same behavior with the RSQLite package? I am not sure if I have the database configured incorrectly, or if I need some addtional steps within R?

I have tried pre-populating the missing fields with NA & 'null', but in both cases I get an error saying:

Warning message:
In value[[3L]](cond) :
  RS-DBI driver: (RS_SQLite_exec: could not execute: column l1id is not unique)

And the data does not get written.


  • The Solution

    I figured out a solution, based largely on the dbWriteFactor function Ari Friedman wrote as an answer to his question. Below I show the portion of code I used, modified to work specifically with the data.table package.

    It is also very important to note that I had to change the sqlite table structure. To get this to work I had to remove the "NOT NULL" designation from all auto-generated fields.

    New Table Structure

    CREATE TABLE "level1" (
      "l0id" bigint(20)  DEFAULT NULL,
      "acid" bigint(20)  DEFAULT NULL,
      "cndx" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      "repi" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      "created_date" timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
      "modified_date" timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      "modified_by" varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

    Adapted Code Sample

    dbcon <-, db_pars)
    tempTbl <- "temp_table"
    if (dbExistsTable(dbcon, tempTbl)) dbRemoveTable(dbcon, tempTbl)
    dbWriteTable(conn = dbcon, 
                 name = tempTbl, 
                 value = dat, 
                 row.names = FALSE, 
                 append = FALSE)
    tbl_flds <- loadColNames(tbl, db)
    tmp_flds <- names(dat)
    status <- dbSendQuery(dbcon, 
                          paste("INSERT INTO", tbl, 
                                "(", paste(tmp_flds, collapse = ","), ")",
                                paste(tmp_flds, collapse = ","),
    # Remove temporary table
    dbRemoveTable(dbcon, tempTbl)

    where db_pars is a list of database parameters to establish the connection.