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AngularJS : Routing to controller from a separate module

I am trying to modularize a feature I am developing in an existing angular.js application.

I have created namespaced modules for all the different sections of this feature, which we will call feature abc here.

I have references to all these .js files in my index.html and I am using angular.js v1.3.0-beta6

// abc.directives.js
var abcDirectivesModule = angular.module('', []);
abcDirectivesModule.directive('abcSelector', ['abcSelectorInit']);
function abcSelectorInit() { // ... }

// abc.controllers.js
var abcControllersModule = angular.module('', ['']);
abcControllersModule.controller('abcController', ['$scope', 'abcControllerInit']);
function abcControllerInit($scope) {
    var vm = this; = "Data!";

// abc.module.js
var abcModule = angular.module('', ['s1Common', 's1Security', '']);

abcModule.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
        when('/abcs', {
            redirectTo: '/abcs/findabcs'
        when('/abcs/findabcs', {
            templateUrl: '/js/angularjs/app/abcs/abc.partial.finder.html',
            controller: 'abcController',
            controllerAs: 'vm'

The issue I am having is that angular.js is giving me an error when I try to load a page under /abcs/findabcs.

Here is my error Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'abcController' is not a function, got string

Is what I'm trying to accomplish with these modularized components simply not possible with angular?

I see references in various places to more modularized applications ( odeToCode, stackoverflow, stackoverflow, similar jsfiddle ) and I was hoping to reproduce this style with $routeProvider routing in the parent module ( `s1.abc1 ).


I realized where my mistake was now. I was trying to combine two features/styles of declaring functions for controllers/directives.


// abc.controllers.js
var abcControllersModule = angular.module('', ['']);
abcControllersModule.controller('abcController', ['$scope', 'abcControllerInit']); // Function name passed in as string
function abcControllerInit($scope) {
    var vm = this; = "Data!";


// abc.controllers.js
var abcControllersModule = angular.module('', ['']);
abcControllersModule.controller('abcController', ['$scope', abcControllerInit]); // Function name passed in directly, not as string
function abcControllerInit($scope) {
    var vm = this; = "Data!";

The function name abcControllerInit should not be passed as a string with the dependencies.


  • Try below code. Controller should be a function.

    var abcDirectivesModule = angular.module('', []);
    abcDirectivesModule.directive('abcSelector', ['abcSelectorInit',
    function abcSelectorInit() { // ... }]);
    // abc.controllers.js
    var abcControllersModule = angular.module('', ['']);
    abcControllersModule.controller('abcController', ['$scope',
    function abcControllerInit($scope) {
        var vm = this;
    = "Data!";
    // abc.module.js
    var abcModule = angular.module('', ['s1Common', 's1Security', '']);
    abcModule.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
            when('/abcs', {
                redirectTo: '/abcs/findabcs'
            when('/abcs/findabcs', {
                templateUrl: '/js/angularjs/app/abcs/abc.partial.finder.html',
                controller: 'abcController',
                controllerAs: 'vm'