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ibm-mobilefirstworklight-mbs addEventListener does not work on "Mobile Browser Simulator"

I'm using IBM Worklight 6.2

I'm using to load some external pages for OAuth and I configure event listeners for the opened window.

var authWindow =, '_blank', 'location=yes');

authWindow.addEventListener('loaderror', function(e) {  
    console.log(">> load error. event: " + JSON.stringify(e));

also for "load" and "loadstart" events.

This works in Android and iOS but when I preview the app in the "Mobile Browser Simulator" the eventListeners are not executed.

I have also tested creating a "desktopbrowser" application.

Any idea?


  • Loaderror, loadstart, and loadstop are specific to Cordova and not supported in the Mobile Browser Simulator. It would be best to test these on emulator or device. Please see: