Im working on a project using the ZURB foundation framework and its data-interchange method to provide different images for different screen sizes.
Since the lazy load plugin depends on using 'data-original' to define the image path, zurb foundation interchange uses 'data-interchange'.
The ZURB foundation interchange method adresses images like this:
<img data-interchange="[/path/to/default.jpg, (default)], [/path/to/bigger-image.jpg, (large)]">
Lazy load adresses images like this:
<img class="lazy" data-original="img/example.jpg" width="640" height="480">
Question: How can i use 'data-interchange' instead of 'data-original' in lazy load? respectively: How is it possible to combine the zurb foundation interchange method with the lazy load plugin?
Thanks for your help!
The only solution I found for now is this one: Foundation Interchange + Lazy Loading