I am planning the implementation of an Inheritance Mapper pattern for an application component http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/inheritanceMappers.html
One feature it needs to have is for a domain object to reference a large list of aggreageted items (10,000 other domain objects)
So I need some kind of lazy loading collection to be passed out of the aggregate root domain object to other domain objects.
To keep my (php) model scripts organised i am storing them in two folders:
domain\ <- domain objects, DDD repository, DDD factory
daccess\ <- PoEAA data mappers, SQL queries etc
But now I am racking my brains wondering where my lazy loading collection sits. It seems to stride both layers. Internally its a kind of data mapper, externally its a domain object.
Any suggestions / justifications for putting it in one place over another another?
The simple answer is that it probably sits in your DataAccess layer.
//Domain Object
class Store {
public function GetGiantListOfProducts() { }
//DataAccess Object
class LazyLoadingStore extends Store {
public function GetGiantListOfProducts() { // function override
// data access code
Then, your DAO might look like this:
class StoreProvider {
public function GetStoreById($id) {
//User expects a list of Store, but you actually return a list of LazyLoadingStore - nobody need know the difference
The more complicated answer is - this reeks. Do you really need to lazy load stuff? It might be a better idea to re-examine your aggregate roots. Perhaps you don't need a $store.GetGiantListOfProducts() method at all and could gracefully sidestep the entire problem by changing the relationship traversal where each Product has a GetStore() method and you get a list of products like so:
class ProductProvider {
public function GetAllForStore($store) {
// return list of products for the store
On the other hand, if the relationship has to exist the way that you initially sketched it out, then perhaps lazy loading is actually a concept that is meaningful to the domain? In this case it lives in the domain and should probably have a more specific and meaningful name than simply LazyLoader.
Makes sense?