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Swipe left is getting fired after two gestures

I am using Worklight 6.2.

I have written following jQuery mobile code to open a panel:

        function() {    
             $("div[data-role='page']").on("swipeleft", function(){

function openPanel(){

However, the panel is getting opened only when I swipe left twice. I have written this code in index.html file in document.ready() block.


  • Works fine for me by following the below.
    That is, only 1 swipe is required to display the panel.

    1. Created a new Worklight project and application with jQuery Mobile 1.4.4 (by following the wizard)
    2. Changed the BODY in common\index.html to:

      App header Click to open panel, or swipe to the left...
      <div data-role="panel" id="mypanel" data-display="push">
          my panel
    3. Changed common\js\main.js to:

      function wlCommonInit(){
          $("div[data-role='page']").on("swipeleft", function(){
      function openPanel(){

    Tested on iPhone 5s + iOS8.