I'm making a volley request in this way:
public void makeRequest(BaseRequest request, Response.Listener<JSONObject> responseListener,
Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
if (Constants.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Sending: " + request.getUrlRequest());
JsonObjectRequest jsObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(METHOD, request.getUrlRequest(), null, responseListener, errorListener);
// disable cache
mTag is a Class type. I have an activity where on its onCreate method I call the volley request with this:
mVolleyManager.makeRequest(getRequest(), new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
If I start open and closing the activity for a bunch of time, my memory keeps growing till it reaches an OOM error. I tried to have a look with MAT and here's the result:
It seems that Volley keeps in memory all of its requests, even if the onResponse method is correctly called. I already solved the problem by switching to Retrofit. Same code, same requests and it's working but I want to understand what could be the cause of my problem.
has only 4 threads
by default so i think your problem is caused by creating multiple requestqueue and old threads dose not killed, use singleton queue, for refering to that look at:
each request queue has only 4 threads but in your image i can see more than 4 so obviously your problem caused by not using singleton design pattern.