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Symfony2.5.3 Form field "entity" - Could not load type "entity"

I have this problem with SF2 when adding a form field of type "entity". This is my case:

  1. I have Country entity and CountryFormType
  2. I have Network entity and NetworkFormType
  3. This NetworkFormType contains Country field so in my NetworkFormType.php:

    $builder->add('country', 'entity', [
        'label' => $translator->trans(''),
        'data_class' => 'MyBundle\Entity\Country',
        'property' => 'name',
        'choices' => $countries

I also have declared the public setters and getters in my Network entity. By the way, I registered my form as a service:
    class: MyBundle\Form\NetworkFormType
        - { name: form.type, alias: mybundle_form_network }

But it always results to:

Could not load type "entity"

Reference: entity Field Type

Anyone got an idea?


  • That is weird indeed.

    According to this API documentation, EntityType class is located within Doctrine Bridge.


    Do you have it installed? Maybe you're not using full-stack Symfony?