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Spring's @RequestParam with Nested Objects / Rich Model Objects

Simple problem:

class MyController {
  void test(MyModel m) {

class MyModel {
  MyNestedModel a;

class MyNestedModel {
  List<String> b;

This apperantly does not work, because @RequestParam only works with method parameters.

Is there a way to define the name of the request param within the model object?


My MyModel and MyNestedModel classes is of course much bigger and I'd like to use for example ?a.b[]=TEST.

Thanks for your help :)

EDIT: Looks like this is exactly my problem: How to customize parameter names when binding spring mvc command objects


  • Spring mvc can transfer the parameter for you. But the post data should be like:

    {a.b[0] : "b1", a.b[1] : "b2"}

    then you can get a list in m.a.b