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xmonad vertical resize tile/window

I have a few vertically stacked tiles on the left, and some on the right. I can easily horizontally resize the master pane (with mod + l and mod + h), but I'd like to vertically resize some windows (including non-master) in this setup.

How do I do this??


  • I don't think this is possible with the standard XMonad Tall layout, but alternative layouts such as ResizableTall from xmonad-contrib support resizing the master pane.

    To resize the master pane when using the ResizableTall layout, bind the XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile (MirrorShrink, MirrorExpand) messages.

    For example, in my config I define my layoutHook and keys to use ResizableTall with two master panes, and with Mod-M + arrow keys bound to resizing the master panes, using (simplified)

    main = xmonad gnomeConfig
      { layoutHook = Full ||| tall ||| Mirror tall
      , keys = myKeys
      -- Two master panes, 1/10th resize increment, only show master
      -- panes by default. Unlike plain 'Tall', this also allows
      -- resizing the master panes, via the 'MirrorShrink' and
      -- 'MirrorExpand' messages.
      tall = ResizableTall 2 (1/10) 1 []
      -- Add bindings for arrow keys that resize master panes.
      myKeys x = M.fromList (newKeys x) `M.union` keys gnomeConfig x
      newKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
        [ ((modm, xK_Left),  sendMessage MirrorExpand)
        , ((modm, xK_Up),    sendMessage MirrorExpand)
        , ((modm, xK_Right), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
        , ((modm, xK_Down),  sendMessage MirrorShrink)